We’re on a Mission

to help SAVE the endangered North Atlantic Right Whales

Duxbury Sugar Kelp was born from a love of the ocean.

We produce healthy ocean farmed food products;

while protecting the habitat of the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale.

We have developed and deployed a novel approach to kelp farming.

Vessel strikes and fishing lines (like the one entangling Snow Cone with her calf above) are the foremost threat to endangered North Atlantic Right Whales.

For this reason, we developed a subtidal “bottom’s-up” farming approach.

Our Research

The Duxbury Sugar Kelp Farm partnered with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute to help strengthen an important expanding sector of US working waterfronts, namely marine aquaculture. Our farm builds on previous NOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy research, “Developing whale and turtle-friendly subtidal aquaculture gear”.

Our novel approach will enable ocean farmers to coexist with native species including endangered Right Whales using subtidal aquaculture gear to create a sustainable healthy ocean solution for the aquaculture industry. Our ongoing research is validating the technology, application, and deployment of bottom culture kelp farm apparatus.

In addition to ocean farming using the most sustainable environmental practices, Duxbury Sugar Kelp also adheres to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Developed in 2015, these interlinked global goals are designed to be a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future".

We are committed to affecting change across four of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

To learn more about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, check out their social media pages at @GlobalGoalsUN on Facebook and Twitter